segmentGro​undFromLid​arData for pcd file

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I want to preprocess some lidar data in .pcd format. I tried "segmentGroundFromLidarData" algorithm to segment the groud but this code is written for .pcap format. In pcd fromat it has (m by n matrics size) on the other hand, pcap file has (m by n by 3 matrics) size.
Any thought of how to format pcd file into pcap file? or any other matlab libraries to deal with pcd file?

回答(1 个)

Mahesh Taparia
Mahesh Taparia 2020-5-11
The input of the function segmentGroundFromLidarData will be a point cloud. You mentioned that your file is having mxn array. Are you using only intensity matrix as input? But the point cloud data will be in structure format and that structure will be the input to the function. For more information, you can refer to this example in documentation page.
  3 个评论
Mahesh Taparia
Mahesh Taparia 2020-5-12
It seems you are having an unorganised point cloud data. You can use pcfitplane function, refer to this documentation. You can refer to this question which is already answered in the community.
Pavan Kumar B N
Pavan Kumar B N 2021-6-16
%% for PCAP files
veloReader = velodyneFileReader('file.pcap','VLP16');
ptCloudObj = readFrame(veloReader,44);
%% for PCD Files you use pcread
ptCloudObj = pcread('file.pcd');
ptCloudSegGround = pcdSegmentGround(ptCloudObj);
hold on
function [model] = pcdSegmentGround(ptCloudSrc)
% Use pcfitplane
maxDistance = 0.2;
referenceVector = [0 0 1];
model = pcfitplane(ptCloudSrc, maxDistance, referenceVector)



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