Access data in a nested structure array and generate an excel file

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Hello everyone,
I have a bunch of .json files in a folder called "JSON files". Each file is an article. I would like to put the paper_id, title, abstract, and authors' affiliation in an excel files.
files = dir('JSON files/*.json');
for i=1:numel(files)
filename = fullfile(files(i).folder, files(i).name);
data = jsondecode(fileread(filename));
the "data" in the above code for each i looks like
data =
struct with fields:
paper_id: '0015023cc06b5362d332b3baf348d11567ca2fbb'
metadata: [1×1 struct]
abstract: [2×1 struct]
body_text: [20×1 struct]
bib_entries: [1×1 struct]
ref_entries: [1×1 struct]
back_matter: [1×1 struct]
data.metadata =
struct with fields:
title: 'The RNA pseudoknots in foot-and-mouth disease virus are dispensable for genome replication but essential for the production of infectious virus. 2 3'
authors: [17×1 struct]
data. metadata.authors
ans =
17×1 struct array with fields:
for this specific article the affiliation is empty. However most of the .json files have an authors' affiliation. Moreover, each author may have different affiliation from her co-authors. I would like to keep all afiliations.
Any idea how I can solve this problem? Any input would be greatly appreciated!


Sindar 2020-5-6
编辑:Sindar 2020-5-6
[Edited with fixed answer, x2]
This throws no errors and appears to produce a correct excel file from your sample data:
files = dir('JSON files/*.json');
% start off a table to put info in, with the correct size and column names
mytable=table('Size',[numel(files) 4],'VariableTypes',{'string';'string';'string';'string'},'VariableNames',{'pid';'title';'abstract';'affiliations'});
for ind=1:numel(files)
% load data
filename = fullfile(files(ind).folder, files(ind).name);
data = jsondecode(fileread(filename));
% for the ind-th row, fill in the pid column
mytable{ind,'pid'} = {data.paper_id};
% title column
mytable{ind,'title'} = {data.metadata.title};
% abstract column
% if the abstract is empty, it will get left as <missing> and print an empty cell in excel
if ~isempty(data.abstract)
this_abstract = {data.abstract.text};
% concatenate abstract lines with spaces
mytable{ind,'abstract'} = {strjoin(this_abstract,' ')};
% affiliations column
% check which authors have affiliation info
tmp=false([0 0]);
for ind_A = 1:length(data.metadata.authors)
tmp(ind_A) = ~isempty(fieldnames(data.metadata.authors(ind_A).affiliation));
% put all affiliations in a single struct array
if ~isempty(tmp) && nnz(tmp)>0
this_affiliation = [data.metadata.authors(tmp).affiliation];
% put all institutions in a single cell array
this_affiliation = {this_affiliation.institution};
% remove duplicates, sort, and make sure the first element is an empty string
this_affiliation = unique([{''} this_affiliation]);
% combine all the affiliations, separating by '; ' (ignore empty first string)
mytable{ind,'affiliations'} = {strjoin(this_affiliation(2:end),'; ')};
% clear temporary variable (tmp especially)
clear tmp this_abstract this_affiliation
% write table to myData.xls
If you have a lot of files and don't want to store all the data in a table before writing, use the append option:
mytable=table('Size',[1 4],'VariableTypes',{'string';'string';'string';'string'},'VariableNames',{'pid';'title';'abstract';'affiliations'});
for ind
mytable{1,'pid'} = {data.paper_id};
  16 个评论
Sindar 2020-5-6
BTW, this was an interesting problem. I have a "catstructfield" function that does this sort of thing for nice structure arrays. I actually routinely use it on data loaded from JSON files. Luckily for me, the files I work with don't rarely have any missing data, so I didn't have to worry about that. I may eventually update the code to the point that it could be generally-usable and worth sharing. This question/dataset will certainly help with that!
I tried it on your data and it threw no errors! Because I have a try-catch block that just doesn't return any part of the structure that didn't work. So, I ended up with a mostly empty structure...
Susan 2020-5-6
Glad to hear this data set may help with that! Thanks again for your help.


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