Just tested it out a little bit, and the error only comes with the following portion of the code. Everything beforehand shows no error
[t,xa]=ode45(f, 0:365, [N Eo Io Ro Do]);
%ode45 takes each term in the function f and integrates the function from 0 to 365. [N Eo Io Ro Do] represents the inital conditions for SEIRD respectively
a1=plot(t,xa(:,1),'b'); M1='S';
hold on
%Hold allows for the addition of more plots without deleting the first
a2=plot(t,xa(:,2),'k'); M2='E';
a3=plot(t,xa(:,3),'r'); M3='I';
a4=plot(t,xa(:,4),'g'); M4='R';
a5=plot(t,xa(:,5),'y'); M5='D';
hold off
legend([a1, a2 a3 a4 a5], M1, M2, M3, M4, M5)