Problem with running simulink block diagram in discrete mode

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I tried to run a Simulink block diagram which consists three difference blocks ... but it's not working properly ... I tried to diagnose the problem by monitoring the signal values. I found that the output value for the difference blocks is not used. I don't know what is this and what's the problem ... please help me
  10 个评论
Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare 2012-10-31
编辑:Sachin Ganjare 2012-10-31
Probabaly you did not check your output in scope correctly, rather take it in workspace & check, you will find non zero value as initial output
Pouya Jamali
Pouya Jamali 2012-10-31
Ow, I think the problem is misunderstood ... I should explain it more efficient! using show port values I've monitored all the signals in my block diagram. all the signals are working properly just before passing through difference block. The output of the difference block is not used all the time during simulation. and I think it cause the final output to be zero which must be not.


回答(1 个)

Sachin Ganjare
Sachin Ganjare 2012-10-31
Check your output min & max values in block configuration.


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