To be more clear regarding the question,i need both theta and earth view factor vary in y-axis and x-axis should contain values of psi.
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Het guys, i am attaching a code(mypr2.m) where i got good plots but i need to get plot like screenshot(26).png. I need some help to do this. Thanking you in advance.
2 个评论
You could also opt for a different method of displaying the theta values, such as with color:
cmap = jet(numel(thetaV));
figure(2); hold on;
for i = 1:numel(thetaV)
plot(psi*180/pi, Fe1(i,:), 'Color', cmap(i,:));
xlabel('Attitude angle \psi (deg)'), ylabel('Earth view factor')
colormap(jet); cb = colorbar('Ticks', thetaV); cb.Label.String = 'Attitude angle \theta (deg)';
caxis([min(thetaV) max(thetaV)]);
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