Are there any parallel manipulator models available in the Robotics System Toolbox?

16 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am interested in simulating kinematics, inverse kinematics, and control for a non-redundant parallel manipulator. Is this supported in Robotics System Toolbox?

回答(1 个)

Harsha Priya Daggubati
  2 个评论
Ty Lasky
Ty Lasky 2020-5-18
First, I appreciate the quick and detailed answer. None of the noted File EExchange submissions seem to be quite what I need. However, therer wer a couple of them that contain kernels of my needed information. Thus, I do believe your response has gotten me further along, whihc is quite a positive in general. Thanks for the help.
Bilal 2023-10-10
Hi, I am in terested in kinematics and impedance control of a 3DOF-RPS parallel robotic platform. Can you please share the relevant data for 3DOF-RPS parallel manipulator



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