Curve fitting function (fit) error

20 次查看(过去 30 天)
sepideh 2012-11-2
评论: chuenkiong 2023-3-15
I am using function "fit" to fit a surface to my data. I have a 3 dimentional data , z(x,y). I use the function as below: surfacefit=fit([x y],z,'polyll') I am sure both my x and y are column matrix and have the same dimension. But i get this error : Error using fit>iFit (line 133) Y must be a column vector.
Error in fit (line 109) [fitobj, goodness, output, convmsg] = iFit( xdatain, ydatain, fittypeobj, ...

回答(3 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-11-2
surfacefit=fit([x(:), y(:)],z(:),'polyll')

Di Xu
Di Xu 2016-9-8
I think your z is a matrix, right?
But in fit([x y],z,'polyll'), z must be a column.
So you can use the reshape function You can simply reshape z into a column by z=reshape(z,[],1). Of course, you should accordingly change x and y, in order that they have the same disension as z, i.e. for every element in z, its coordinates should be at the according position in x and y.
Then you can run fit.

Kutsop 2016-5-12
I had the same problem. "Y" in this case is the second variable called in fit("X","Y","fittype") where for a 3D fit "X" is usually "[x,y]" and "Y" is "z" or in other words fit("[x,y]","z","fittype"). So if for z is a 64 by 64 array and x = 1:64; y = 1:64; then you need to make both x and y 64 by 64 arrays with repeated column and row values respectively, and then use reshape to make x,y,z all 4096 by 1 column vectors. You bassically need to unravel your 3D array.


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