I need to split sequance of binary numbers to groups with step log2m

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I need to split sequance of binary numbers to groups with step log2m
for example i need to let user input sequance of bits in array then this squance divide into groups with step log2m and each group tansfer to decimal and put them in array again


Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-5-14
Run this example
x = '100100111100001111';
m = 8;
n = floor(log2(m));
x = [repmat('0', 1, ceil(numel(x)/n)*n-numel(x)) x]; % pad values so that digits
% can be evenly divided in
% groups of m
x = reshape(x, n, []).';
y = bin2dec(x)
  11 个评论
Mostafa Salah
Mostafa Salah 2020-5-16
great i need the last thing to connect this code with the another one what i mean the user input the number of zeros and ones and then divide them accoeding to log2M please thank you <3
x = [1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1];
m = 8;
n = floor(log2(m));
% pad zeros so that length become multiple of n
if ~(round(numel(x)/n)==numel(x)/n)
x = [zeros(1, ceil(numel(x)/n)*n-numel(x)) x]; %
x = reshape(x, n, []).';
y = x*(2.^(n-1:-1:0)).';% multiply with [2^(n-1) 2^(n-1) ... 2^1 2^0] to convert binary to decimal
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-5-16
编辑:Ameer Hamza 2020-5-16
while true
num = input('please input number of values you need to enter: ');
if isnumeric(num) && round(num)==num % check if it is integer
fprintf('Value must be an integer\n');
x = zeros(1, num);
for i=1:num
while true
xii = input('Input value [0 or 1]: ');
if isnumeric(xii) && any(xii==[0 1]) % check if it is integer
fprintf('Value must be 0 or 1\n');
m = 8;
n = floor(log2(m));
% pad zeros so that length become multiple of n
if ~(round(numel(x)/n)==numel(x)/n)
x = [zeros(1, ceil(numel(x)/n)*n-numel(x)) x]; %
x = reshape(x, n, []).';
y = x*(2.^(n-1:-1:0)).';% multiply with [2^(n-1) 2^(n-1) ... 2^1 2^0] to convert binary to decimal


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