Warning: Function figure has the same name as a MATLAB builtin.

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
HI,I am new to Matlab and I am trying this code,but it is not working...can you help me please.
Warning: Function figure has the same name as a MATLAB builtin. We suggest you rename the function to avoid a potential name conflict.\
how can i do this? what do i need to change?
lambda = 1866;
rho=0.457 ;
alpha = 0.177;
mu = 194;
omega = 0.256 ;
eta1 = 0.341 ;
eta2= 3.78 ;
beta = 0.569;
c = 15.5 ;
mu0 = 0.087;
mu1 = 0.172;
%bmax = 1.8 ; % backward b if u r c at i o n
bmax =10.8;% forward b if u r c at i o n
rlst=linspace(0,2,rend) ;
mylist1=zeros( 1, length (rlst));
mylist2=zeros( 1 , length ( rlst ));
mylist3=zeros(1,length (rlst));
Q1= mu + alpha + delta1 ;
Q2= delta2 + mu + omega ;
for i =1:1:rend
r=rlst(i) ;
% Ao, A1 , A2 , A3 are the c o e f f i c i e n t s of the polynomial obtained t the
% endemic equilibrium point E*
Ao = beta * c * (mu0 + Q1 ) * (mu0* ( delta2 * eta2 + eta1 * rho ) + Q2* ( delta1*eta2+rho ) ) ;
A1 = beta * c * ( delta2 * eta2 + eta1 * rho ) * (mu0* ( 2 *bmax*mu1 + bmax*Q1+lambda) + bmax*mu1*Q1) + Q2* ( beta * c * delta1 * eta2 * ( bmax* (mu0 + mu1)-lambda) + beta * c * rho * ( bmax*mu1- lambda ) + mu0* rho * ( beta *bmax* c + mu )+Q1* ( 2 * beta *bmax* c * delta1 * eta2 + rho * ( 2 * beta *bmax* c + mu) ) ) ;
A2= bmax* (Q2* ( beta * c * delta1 * eta2 * ( bmax*mu1-2*lambda )+rho * (mu1* ( beta *bmax* c + mu )-2* beta * c *lambda + mu*mu0) +Q1* ( beta *bmax* c * delta1 * eta2 + beta *bmax* c * rho + 2*mu * rho ) ) +beta * c * ( delta2 * eta2 + eta1 * rho ) * (mu1* ( bmax* (mu1 + Q1) + lambda ) +lambda*mu0));
A3= bmax^2*rho *Q2*mu* (Q1 + mu1)*(1-r ) ;
mypoly=[Ao, A1 , A2 ,A3 ] ;
sol=roots( mypoly ) ; % we plot the root s ( sol ) of the polynomial mypoly
mylist2( i )= sol( 2 ) ;
mylist3 ( i )= sol( 3 ) ;
% we r epl a c e negative root s by zero and only st o r e the r e a l p o s it i v e
% root s into myli st
if imag( mylist1 (i))~=0
mylist1 ( i )=max( 0 , mylist1 ( i) ) ;
if imag( mylist2 ( i ))~=0
mylist2 ( i ) = 0 ;
mylist2 ( i )=max( 0 , mylist2 ( i ) ) ;
if imag( mylist3 ( i ))~=0
mylist3( i ) = 0 ;
mylist3(i)= max( 0 , mylist3 ( i ) ) ;
% we determine the number i from the r l i s t fo r each fun ction myli st
% where the root of the polynomial i s r e a l and p o s it i v e .
lstpos=find( mylist1 ~=0);
index1=min( lstpos ) ;
index2=max( lstpos ) ;
mlstpos=find ( mylist2 ~=0);
index3=min( mlstpos ) ;
index4=max( mlstpos ) ;
vlstpos=find ( mylist3 ~=0);
index5=min(vlstpos) ;
index6=max(vlstpos) ;
% we formulate the di s ea s e f r e e equilibrium l i n e s on the x−a xi s
s=linspace( 0 ,1,rend) ;
z=linspace (1,1.5, rend);
y1= + 0*s ;
y2= + 0*z ;
%a xi s ( [ 0 . 3 , 1 . 5 , 0 , 5 ] ) % backward b if u r c at i o n
axis ( [ 0.7 , 1.5 , 0, 4 ] ) % forward b if u r c at i o n
hold on
%we plot the p o s it i v e root s of the polynomial
%plot ( r l s t ( index1 : index2 ) , myli st1 ( index1 : index2 ) , ’ b−’ ,
%r l s t ( index3 : index4 ) , myli st2 ( index3 : index4 ) , ’ b−’ , r l s t ( index5 : index6 ) ,
%myli st3 ( index5 : index6 ) , ’ r −−’,’ linewidth ’ ,2)% bacward b if u r c at i o n
plot(rlst( index1 : index2 ), mylist1 ( index1 : index2 ) ,' b-',rlst( index3 : index4 ),mylist2( index3 : index4 ) ,' b-',rlst( index5 : index6 ) , mylist3 ( index5 : index6 ) , 'b−' , 'linewidth ' ,2)% forwar
plot ( s , y1 , 'b− ' , 'linewidth ' , 2 )
plot ( z , y2 , ' r −−',' linewidth' , 2 )
%x l im it ( [ 0 . 2 , 1 . 8 ] )
xlabel ( ' Reproduction number Rh ' )
ylabel ( 'Infected population s i z e I ( t ) ' )
hold off
  2 个评论
Stijn Haenen
Stijn Haenen 2020-5-23
You try to define a variable or function which has the same name as a standard function of matlab, you can use capital letters or _ when you define your variables or function to avoid this problem.



Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-5-23
You named your file figure.m which will cause problems. You should rename the file for your code.
  9 个评论
Cumpaniciu Alexandru
I need define an function or somthing else?
If so, how could I do that?
what are the outputs and inputs for my code?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-5-24
What is the exact name of the the file you are using for this code?
What shows up if you you try
which -all figure


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