regarding machine learning onramp

129 次查看(过去 30 天)
Poojalakshmi N .B
Poojalakshmi N .B 2020-5-24
评论: JAWHAR HUSSAIN about 22 hours 前
sir i am stuck at module 3.3 of machine learning onramp course at task 1.
please do help me to continue with the course.

回答(2 个)

VISHAL 2020-5-30
letterds = datastore("*_M_*.txt");
data = read(letterds);
data = scale(data);
axis equal
ylabel("Vertical position")
function data = scale(data)
data.Time = (data.Time - data.Time(1))/1000;
data.X = 1.5*data.X;

Logesh B
Logesh B 2022-1-1
preprocds = transform(letterds,@scale)
  6 个评论
Jose 2024-2-13
same here. Has someone managed to overcome this message?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2024-2-13
编辑:Image Analyst 2024-2-13
What is the link for the on-ramp course. If I call it up can I jump to that question or do I have to do all the prior tasks before getting to that?


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