Read text file containing string and numeric data

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I would like read the following text file that has column values with string and numeric data. Problem is the numeric column is mixed with 'N/A'. After reading, I like to use data from column 8 and 11. I'm using R2010b.


Matt Fig
Matt Fig 2012-11-15
fid = fopen('Test.txt');
C = textscan(fid,repmat('%s',1,19),'Headerlines',1)
HeadDiam = str2double(C{8});
TYPE = C{11};
Note that when using STR2DOUBLE, those N/As are converted to NaNs

更多回答(1 个)

Abirami M
Abirami M 2020-3-11
Use this Url and how to read and preprocess this kind of text data in matlab.


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