Run Matlab FUNCTION at the end of Simulink simulation
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in a simulink simulation I compute some signals.
At the end of the simulation, when the system reach the steady-state condition, I want to use the final value of such signals to create a custom 3D plot. To do that I already built a Matlab FUNCTION block.
I don't want to run such Matlab FUNCTION block during the simulation because the computational time grows so much, and moreover I am interested only in the final value (steady-state).
How can I run such "Matlab FUNCTION block" only at the end of the simulation?
Thanks and best regards
2 个评论
Sai Sri Pathuri
You may use StopFcn callback in your model. Refer the following link for Model callbacks. Expand Model Simulation Callback Parameters in the below documentation for StopFcn.
7 个评论
Sai Sri Pathuri
Okay, In order to avoid overwriting and plot only last time step data, you may try this.
In constant block you used for FlagEndSim, use constant value as
and Sample time as below. This is to retain previous sample rate after conversion by buffer
After the constant block, use buffer with output buffer size of 1.
With these changes, you can plot the results of only last simulation.
This is an example I tried at my end. I used a StopTime of 10 and a variable solver. For this, the output is of length 51 and step size is 0.2 (obtained from tout)
So, I have used the following settings
% Constant value
% SampleTime
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