Solving a first order hyperbolic PDE using matlab solvers.

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi all,
I'm looking to see whether Matlab has an in-built solver for hyperbolic partial differential equations. I know of pdepe and I'm looking for an equivalent for hyperbolic equations:
du/dt = a(x,t) du/dx + f(u)
I already know how to write my own code for it using LW methods and I can already solve analytically using the method of characteristics. The reason I want a Matlab solver is that I'm looking at the efficiency of Matlab solvers and I'm building up from very basic equations which have clear analytic solutions to rather more complicated equations which have a whole mass of nonlinear terms.
I've checked out a lot of other Matlab questions but I keep seeing the answers 'use method of characteristics' or 'write some code for it' which doesn't quite fit with the work I'm trying to do.

回答(1 个)

Ayush 2024-10-3
In order to solve the hyperbolic PDE problem you can use hyperbolic function. You may refer to this link:
However, solvepde is recommened over hyperbolic to solve such PDEs. Refer to this link:
Please note that solvepde is introduced from R2016a release.
I hope it helps!

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