How to factor out variables in the num and den of an equation?

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I have the following expression
syms s GM1 GM2 CC1 CC2 CC3 RC
LG = -((1.0*GM1*(CC1*CC2 - CC1*CC2*GM3*RC)*s^2)/(CC1*GM2*GM3) + (1.0*GM1*(CC1*GM2*GM3*RC - CC2*GM2 + CC2*GM2*GM3*RC)*s)/(CC1*GM2*GM3) + (1.0*GM1)/CC1)/((1.0*(CC2*CL + CC2*CL*GM2*RC)*s^3)/(GM2*GM3) + (1.0*(CC2*GM2 + CC2*GM3)*s^2)/(GM2*GM3) - 1.0*s);
Gain = LG/(1+LG);
The question is how to factor out (GM1*GM2*GM3) from the numerator and (1+s/wp1) from the denominator where (wp1 = 1/GM1*RC) . I have tried the following:
Gain1 = collect(simplify(Gain))
And this is the result I got from the live script
So I want to make it look something like that
Thanks in advance.

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