2D Line Interpolation(MORE)

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Muhammad Zafar Iqbal
编辑: darova 2020-6-13
First of all Thanks KSSV
I need some more help. As answered by KSSV
data = [36.97 126.5 36.79 126.45 394.94 1.79
36.98 126.4 36.79 126.45 179.59 0.75
37 126.65 36.55 126.64 82.64 0.35
37.4 127.21 37.35 126.7 379.76 1.53
34.75 127.17 34.4 126.7 172.95 0.73
37.45 126.82 37.89 126.77 401.29 1.6
36.98 126.4 37.08 126.77 1168.43 4.97
37.4 127.21 37.89 126.77 114.6 0.52
35.32 127.45 34.98 126.9 289.95 1.19
36.97 126.5 37.49 126.92 3462.07 15.01
37.16 127.52 37.49 126.92 151.54 0.61
37.4 127.21 37.49 126.92 167.04 0.69
37.16 127.52 37.49 126.92 240.72 1.01
36.2 127.48 36.27 126.92 235.94 0.95
36.35 127.2 36.27 126.92 155.95 0.63
35.27 127.42 35.49 126.93 1002.81 4.37
35.32 127.45 35.49 126.93 756.71 3.24
36.97 126.5 37.28 126.98 262.64 1.16
37.4 127.21 37.28 126.98 118 0.49
36.9 126.59 37.28 126.98 114.9 0.49
35.27 127.42 35.16 126.99 180.78 0.61 ] ;
y1 = data(:,1) ; y2 = data(:,3) ;
x1 = data(:,2) ; x2 = data(:,4) ;
val = data(:,5) ; err = data(:,6) ;
m = 100 ;
xi = linspace(min(x1),max(x1),m) ;
yi = linspace(min(y1),max(y1),m) ;
[X,Y] = meshgrid(xi,yi) ;
V = griddata(x1,y1,val,X,Y) ;
shading interp
Its working
I need more help
>>>>>> Need to consider errors as standard error for each value "err"
>>>>>> Need grid nodes values (each nod's value)
Thanks for your kind help.
  3 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2020-6-6
Interpolation, since that is what you are asking about, has nothing to do with any assessment of error in your data. An interpolant always passes exactly through the data provided, so any errors are irrelevant.
Muhammad Zafar Iqbal
Dear John/KSSV
Error is important for interpolation as like I want to clear as in a cell
you can see the impact of error.
The figure looks like the cell value is distributed equally while in fact the cell value is dependent upon the contridution. like (just for example)
Thats why I am asking about the node values
I hope you can understand my asking.


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