Concatenate two columns of a csv file using horzcat with same variable name

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have few csv files, each has 3 columns with first two columns same in all. I want to merge all of them into a single csv file with first two common columns and continued with 3rd column of each individual files. Error associated is the same variable name for the 3rd column in all csv files. I'm attaching my code. Thanks in advance!
clear all
close all
files = dir('*.csv');
A = readtable(files(1).name);
numfiles = length(files);
for k=2:numfiles
filename = files(k).name;
T = readtable(filename,"ReadVariableNames",true,"PreserveVariableNames",true);
A = horzcat(A, T(:,3));


Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-6-15
编辑:Ameer Hamza 2020-6-15
In MATLAB, two columns of a table cannot have the same variable name. Also, it might not make sense to have identical column names in a CSV file. However, you can do this using cell arrays instead of tables. Something like this
files = dir('*.csv');
A = readtable(files(1).name);
A = [A.Properties.VariableNames; table2cell(A)];
numfiles = length(files);
for k=2:numfiles
filename = files(k).name;
T = readtable(filename,"ReadVariableNames",true,"PreserveVariableNames",true);
A = horzcat(A, [T.Properties.VariableNames(3); num2cell(T{:,3})]);
writecell(A, 'mergedCols.csv');

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