Use of integrate without explicit function - defined by variable

14 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear All,
I would like to integrate something which is not defined by a function (anoymous or otherwise. The 'function' is defined by a set of values iod a varable (y) at a number of points defined in another variable (x). I want to integate y with respect to x.
Is there some way of doing this? Graphically I could plot y against x and find the area under the graph. Is this the way I ahould do it using Matalb or is there something more sophisticated?
All help will be welcome.

回答(1 个)

madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2020-6-15
  3 个评论
John Hey
John Hey 2020-6-15
Dear Madhan, I think I understand, but trapz does perfectly what I want. Thanks.



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