HTML file scraping for Fields in a Table

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
v k
v k 2020-6-15
评论: v k 2020-6-16
The HTML file that I am working on, is a long one and contains particulars as given in the attached text file. Although the structure is simple and repetitive, due to the large number of characters in between the data fields, I am having hard time in scraping the required data. The objective is to get a two-column excel spreadsheet containing Name in the first column and Email in the second column. How to obtain these required fields in the xlsx file ? Thanks.

回答(1 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2020-6-15
Start playing with htmlTree in the Text analytics toolbox.
t = htmlTree(fileread('clientdata.txt'))


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