how to train data

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I'm starting to learn neural network and I'd like to know if it's possible to do the following:
I have text data, like this:
1 apple, 1.23, 5.26, fruit
2 carrot, 4.56, 7.25, vegetable
3 banana, 1.34, 6.77, fruit
4 orange, 1.96, 6.88, fruit
5 potato, 7.23, 2.33, vegetable
and so on...
apple, carrot... are the names of the images... next two column values are features extracted... and the last column is the text i wanted to get displayed when the particular image is selected....
just the values in the last column are different, but all fitting a simple pattern.
I'd like to use this as training data, and then input to the network a question like:
if apple is selected fruit should be displayed?
Can that be done in matlab? Please could someone reply? I can't even enter the data properly... if without using neural networks also please do someone reply....


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-11-30
Why bother with a network? Why not just have a look-up table,
T = {'apple', 'fruit'; 'carrot', 'vegetable'; 'banana', 'fruit'}
name = tolower( input('Enter name of item', 's') );
[tf, idx] = ismember(name, T(:,1));
if tf
fprintf('%s is a kind of %s\n', name, T{idx, 2});
fprintf('I do not know what a "%s" is\n', name);
  2 个评论
Elysi Cochin
Elysi Cochin 2012-11-30
is it possible using a mat file?... if yes, how to do using a mat file??
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2012-11-30
Read the data in. save() the useful parts of it as a cell array in a .mat file. load() the .mat file when you need it.


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