finding the area of segmented region

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
hi there, i need your help regarding the area of segmented region. I have to find the area of pink coloured region(denoised image) correspond to this gray scale image. would you please help to find the solution?
  1 个评论
Nauratul Suqda
Nauratul Suqda 2020-6-27
gray scale image inside the file . thank you in advanced for your kindness.


回答(2 个)

darova 2020-6-28
Try this
I0 = imread('image.png');
I1 = double(I0);
h = msgbox('pick a color');
p = round(ginput(1)); % round to integer
RGB = double( I0(p(2),p(1),:) ); % extract color
% find color
I2 = abs(I1(:,:,1)-RGB(1)) < 10 & ...
abs(I1(:,:,2)-RGB(2)) < 10 & ...
abs(I1(:,:,3)-RGB(3)) < 10;

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-6-28
  4 个评论
Nauratul Suqda
Nauratul Suqda 2020-6-29
Sir i want to ask . What would be the value for threshold1 and threshold2?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-6-29
It's whatever value the contour is at. Exactly how did you call contour() to produce that function? You must have told it what contour levels to use, didn't you? Or did you just take whatever contour() chose by itself? Again, I don't see why my answer in yoru duplicate question can't give you the area. Why are you even calling contour at all?


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