create offset for stl file?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
newbie 2020-7-6
编辑: newbie 2020-7-6
I need a solution to add an offset to a stl geometry.
This is my original object:
what it should look like after adding the offset (that's done with the CAD program):
What I've tried so far:
- with the function stlread I import the part (.stl file) in Matlab
- this gives me the verticies and faces of the .stl
- with the function STLVertexNormals I calculate the normal vectors for each vector
- I add them to the original vectors weighted with the offset value
clear all
close all
stl_part = 'Model.stl';
[F, V, N] = stlread(stl_part); % import stl
[Vn] = STLVertexNormals(F, V); % calculate vertex normals
offset = 5; % offset value
V_new(:,1) = V(:,1) + offset * Vn(:,1); % new vertices
V_new(:,2) = V(:,2) + offset * Vn(:,2); % new vertices
V_new(:,3) = V(:,3) + offset * Vn(:,3); % new vertices
figure(1) % plot
trisurf(F, V(:,1), V(:,2), V(:,3),'FaceLighting','gouraud','Facecolor','black','FaceAlpha',.1,'EdgeColor','black');
axis equal
xlim([-25 25])
ylim([-25 25])
zlim([-10 50])
trisurf(F, V_new(:,1), V_new(:,2), V_new(:,3),'FaceLighting','gouraud','Facecolor','black','FaceAlpha',.1,'EdgeColor','black');
axis equal
xlim([-25 25])
ylim([-25 25])
zlim([-10 50])
But the result is not what I had in mind:
Can anyone help?

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