What goes before this?

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Month = 'Feb';
Date = '18';
N = 49;
Stuff = ___ ('Feb 18 is the 49 day of the year.', Month,Date,N); %% WHAT GOES AFTER STUFF =
fprintf = ('%s\n',Stuff)
I am trying to figure out what would go here to make it print the "Feb 18 is the 49 day of the year" and i Cannot figure it out. Please help


Les Beckham
Les Beckham 2020-7-8
编辑:Les Beckham 2020-7-8
You can change your 'Stuff =' line to the following:
Stuff = sprintf('%s %s is the %d day of the year.', Month,Date,N);
Or, you can replace that line and the following fprint line by this:
fprintf('%s %s is the %d day of the year.\n', Month,Date,N)
You should probably read the following documentation:

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