How can i store all simulation results from ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm running a simulation algorithm for example 500 runs, (note the result is matrix) , my question is: How can i store all the results "the 500 matrix" ? i want first matrix,then the second after the first etc. i will have a bigger matrix 500 matrix vertically, Is it possible??
  2 个评论
TAB 2012-12-10
What is size of your simulation output matrix ?
arkedia 2012-12-10
the maximum size is 5 columns and the row = the runs (500 or 1000 or 5000)


回答(2 个)

Muruganandham Subramanian
Use diary command

TAB 2012-12-10
% Create matrix to store result
MySavedResult = zeros(500,5);
% Store like this
for x=1:500
res = SomeProcessing; % Get 1x5 result vector
MySavedResult(x,:) = res; % Save result


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