3D graphic plot

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
agung pratama
agung pratama 2020-7-16
Hello guys, if I have a 3D graph what I can do to measure the high of the graphic. Here's the graphic that I mean..

回答(1 个)

Arthur Roué
Arthur Roué 2020-7-16
编辑:Arthur Roué 2020-7-16
You can look for the surface handle in the axis children.
% Get current axe handle
hAxe = gca;
% Look for surface handle
vb = isa(hAxe.Children, 'matlab.graphics.chart.primitive.Surface')
hSurface = hAxe.Children(vb)
% Get values in surface properties
EDIT : I assumed there is only one surface in this plot
  18 个评论
Bruno Luong
Bruno Luong 2020-7-23
Sorry I won't, since depends where you start at (type of image data, and you never explain us clearly what is it, your gave a color map, then a bananas, something about RGB, then a curve, then a fringe signal) and there might be many step more or less complex and requires some skill (for example compute the phase phi) to arrive at the heigh from the rawdata image of your fringes.
I gave you a general steps that must be carried out. If it's not clear, you should teach yourself or ask questions to your advisor, or whom ever gave you the task.
agung pratama
agung pratama 2020-7-23
Thank you, Mr Luong, for your time and your attention. I'm a newbie in Matlab, perhaps I should learn more and more.



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