Background Removal of Images

10 次查看(过去 30 天)
Rizki Haleemdeen
Rizki Haleemdeen 2020-7-16
回答: Rahul 2024-11-26,6:44
What are the best techniques that could be used to separate an image into to its foreground and background for images having a complex background.
Is it possible to remove the background of the attached image perfectly so that we can separate the car. I think this image is having a complex background.
So if nyone know any possible method or has a code already built please help me.
If you can guide me through any method that involves machine learning or image processing i would appreciate.

回答(1 个)

Rahul 2024-11-26,6:44
In order to separate foreground from the background of the provided image, consider using MATLAB's 'Segment Anything Model'. This model uses deep neural networks to accurately segment objects by providing feedback through visual prompts.
Additionally, please refer to the following MATLAB Answer, which discusses several approaches related to this question, as outlined in the points below:
Please refer to the following MathWorks documentations for more information:


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