Add rows to table

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SilverSurfer 2020-7-17
I need to concatenate horizzontaly two tables.
If tables does not have same rows it is not possibile to use horzcat so my idea was to adjust tables row in order to use horzcat.
Each column will contain strings but can have different number of rows so some of them shall remain empty.
I'm currently using this piece of code on 2020a and it works. Now I'm porting to 2018b but it does not work.
% create empty table
filedata = table.empty;
for z = 1 : sheets_nr
sheetData = readtable(filename,'Sheet',cell2mat(sheets(z)));
[n1,~] = size(sheetData);
[n2,~] = size(filedata);
if n1 > n2
filedata(n2+1:n1,:) = {''} ;
sheetData(n1+1:n2,:) = {''} ;
% concatenate horizzontally
filedata = horzcat(filedata, sheetData);
The error is related to
filedata(n2+1:n1,:) = {''} ;
First error is "conversion from double from cell is not possible".
Even if I remove curly brackets I get another error "To assign to or to create a variable in a table, the number of rows must match the height of the table"
I just want to increase the number of rows and fill them with empty string.


madhan ravi
madhan ravi 2020-7-17
s = [1, 2, 3;...
4, 5, 6]; % an example
T = array2table(s);
T1 = array2table(repmat("",2,3));
T1.Properties.VariableNames = T.Properties.VariableNames
[T; T1]
  1 个评论
SilverSurfer 2020-7-19
Thank you. It was I great suggestion. I modified existing code and now it is working also on 2018b
% create empty table
filedata = table.empty;
for z = 1 : sheets_nr
sheetData = readtable(filename,'Sheet',cell2mat(sheets(z)));
[n1,~] = size(sheetData);
[n2,~] = size(filedata);
if n1 > n2
delta = n1-n2
[rows,columns] = size(filedata);
if rows == 0
% in the first iteration fill only one column with ""
filedata = array2table(rempat("",delta,1));
% create a table with additional rows to add and the same number of columns
new_rows = array2table(rempat("",delta,colonne));
% assign the same variable names of existing table
new_rows.Properties.VariableNames = filedata.Properties.VariableNames
% concatenate vertically
filedata = vertcat(filedata,new_rows)
% concatenate horizzontally
filedata = horzcat(filedata, sheetData);


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