Why do some iterations take much longer?

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've created a script which reconstructs my problem. The task is deterministic but if I repeat the task, there are iterations which take much longer than others (we're talking ~40 standard deviations away from the mean time).
Any insights into why there are anomalous times would be greatly appreciated!
clear all;
map_size = [96, 96, 96];
num_repeats = 10000;
time_results = zeros(num_repeats,1);
% Set up static matrix with random values
mat = zeros(map_size);
s = RandStream('mlfg6331_64');
y = datasample(s,1:96^3,96^3,'Replace',true);
mat(y) = y./100;
% Set up an object matrix we want to superpose on top
object_size = [15,15,96];
obj_matrix = ones(object_size)./10;
predicted_coord = [10, 10, 10]; % Bottom left coord of the position we want
for r = 1:num_repeats
t_start = tic;
% Initialise final mat as the starting mat
final_mat = mat;
% Find voxels the object occupies globally
rows_range = predicted_coord(1):predicted_coord(1) + object_size(1) - 1;
cols_range = predicted_coord(2):predicted_coord(2) + object_size(2) - 1;
z_range = predicted_coord(3):predicted_coord(3) + object_size(3) - 1;
flip_rows_range = map_size(1) + 1 - rows_range;
% Find mask for voxels within occupied within the workspace
valid_row_mask = flip_rows_range >= 1 & flip_rows_range <= map_size(1);
valid_col_mask = cols_range >= 1 & cols_range <= map_size(2);
valid_z_mask = z_range >= 1 & z_range <= map_size(3);
% Mask the static matrix
flip_rows_range = flip_rows_range(valid_row_mask);
cols_range = cols_range(valid_col_mask);
z_range = z_range(valid_z_mask);
static_matrix_slice = final_mat(flip_rows_range, cols_range, z_range);
% Mask the object matrix
new_matrix_rows_range = 1:object_size(1);
new_matrix_rows_range = new_matrix_rows_range(valid_row_mask);
new_matrix_cols_range = 1:object_size(2);
new_matrix_cols_range = new_matrix_cols_range(valid_col_mask);
new_matrix_z_range = 1:object_size(3);
new_matrix_z_range = new_matrix_z_range(valid_z_mask);
new_matrix_slice = obj_matrix(new_matrix_rows_range, new_matrix_cols_range, new_matrix_z_range);
% Generate the superposed matrix
final_mat(flip_rows_range, cols_range , z_range) = min(static_matrix_slice, new_matrix_slice);
t_end = toc(t_start);
time_results(r) = t_end;
disp("Max: " + num2str(max(time_results)*1000) + " ms");
disp("Mean: " + num2str(mean(time_results)*1000) + " ms");
disp("Median: " + num2str(median(time_results)*1000) + " ms");
disp("Min: " + num2str(min(time_results)*1000) + " ms");
devs_away_from_mean = (max(time_results)-mean(time_results))/std(time_results);
disp("Max value is " + num2str(devs_away_from_mean) + " stds away from mean");
histogram(time_results*1000, 10000);
set(gca,'TickDir','out'); % The only oth
xlabel('Time (ms)');
  1 个评论
Mark F
Mark F 2020-7-17
Update: I think it might be down to memory management. Clearing functions and some variables between loops reduces the variance a lot (though still definitely some outliers)


回答(1 个)

Nihal 2024-6-12
The significant variability in execution times, including outliers far from the mean, could be attributed to factors such as memory management inefficiencies (e.g., dynamic allocation within the loop), MATLAB's garbage collection, or background processes on your computer affecting performance. To mitigate these issues, consider the following optimizations:
  1. Pre-allocate all matrices outside the loop to minimize dynamic memory allocation.
  2. Vectorize operations where possible to leverage MATLAB's optimized numerical computations.
  3. Profile your code using MATLAB's built-in profiler (profile on; profile viewer) to identify and address bottlenecks.
  4. Ensure background processes are minimized to reduce their impact on execution times.
  5. Reuse matrices and variables within the loop to reduce the overhead of allocation and deallocation.
These steps should help in reducing execution time variability and improving overall performance.


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