I try to create a little code to acquire all cameras devices connected to my computer. To assure that the camera is plug in a lamp light up in yellow, if not the lamp is red.
I try this in the start up fonction in app designer but my problem is that the code execute well at the start but no refresh seems to appears when i unplug a camera.
So my question is : how can i have a continous refresh of that little code in app designer ?
Here is my code :
function startupFcn(app)
x = string(webcamlist);
[Rangenumb,~]= size(x);
lamp = [app.Lamp_1;app.Lamp_2;app.Lamp_3];
for ii = 1:Rangenumb
lamp(ii).Color = 'yellow';
I use only 3 Lamps in this code because i only have 3 differents cameras to test it.
Thanks in advance for the answers.