Why is cyclomatic Complexity of Switch Block 2?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Switch Block has two possible outcomes: input 1 or input 3. The cyclomatic complexity of the block should have been 1 according to its defination in the documentation .
Why does the Simulink check API (slmetrics) return 2 instead of 1. Am i missing something ?


Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2020-7-20
A Switch block is an equivilant of an if-else statement. Its cyclomatic complexity number is 2.
  3 个评论
Fangjun Jiang
Fangjun Jiang 2020-7-27
Good point! Contact the Mathworks tech support and ask to explain the cases of a Switch block and a multi-port Switch block, i.e. what is N and "On". It seems the documetation has error.
Sohil Shrestha
Sohil Shrestha 2021-12-28
They updated the documentation based on my feedback.


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