How to sort a struct

146 次查看(过去 30 天)
Peter Meier
Peter Meier 2020-7-23
评论: Stephen23 2020-7-23
Is it possible to sort a struct? I want to sort the third column.
0 should be in the first row and the highest value at the end (last row). The other values are not important and should be the same ranking.
Thank you.
  2 个评论
KSSV 2020-7-23
Yes, you about sort. It depends how your structure is.
Peter Meier
Peter Meier 2020-7-23
T = struct2table( parameter.list); % convert the struct array to a table
sortedT = sortrows(T, 'value'); % sort the table by value
sortedS = table2struct(sortedT) % change it back to str
%it works but i just want to sort the lowest and highest value (rows)



Mohammad Sami
Mohammad Sami 2020-7-23
编辑:Mohammad Sami 2020-7-23
You can try like this.
% a = somestruct;
[~,index] = sortrows([a.Var3].');
a = a(index);

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