Error : Index Exceeds Matrix Dimensions

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V1C = 11;V1O = 12;
FSC = 99;FSO = 100;
V2C = 21;V2O = 22;
V3C = 31;V3O = 32;
PV1O = 51;PV2C = 52;
AU = 41;AD = 42;
P1U = 61;P1D = 62;
P2U = 71;P2D = 72;
%valve 1%
NV1 = [4];
TLV1 = [1 11 1 ; 1 12 2 ; 1 99 3 ; 1 99 4 ; 2 12 2 ; 2 11 1 ; 2 100 4 ; 2 99 3 ; 3 11 3 ; 3 12 3 ; 4 11 4 ; 4 12 4 ]
XMV1 = [0];
V1 = automaton(NV1,TLV1,XMV1)
%valve 2%
NV2 = [2]
TLV2 = [1 21 1 ; 1 22 2 ; 2 22 2 ; 2 21 1]
XMV2 = [0]
V2 = automaton(NV2,TLV2,XMV2)
%valve 3%
NV3 = [3]
TLV3 = [1 31 1 ; 1 32 2 ; 2 32 2 ; 2 31 1]
XMV3 = [0]
V3 = automaton(NV3,TLV3,XMV3)
%Pyrovalve 1%
NP1 = [2]
TLP1 = [1 51 2 ; 2 51 2]
XMP1 = [0]
PV1 = automaton(NP1,TLP1,XMP1)
%Pyrovalve 2%
NP2 = [2]
TLP2 = [1 52 2 ; 2 52 2]
XMP2 = [0]
PV2 = automaton(NP2,TLP2,XMP2)
NA = [2]
TLA = [1 41 2 ; 2 42 2]
XMA = [0]
A = automaton(NA,TLA,XMA)
%Pressure 1%
Np1 = [2]
TLp1 = [1 61 2 ; 2 62 2]
XMp1 = [0]
p1 = automaton(Np1,TLp1,XMp1)
%Pressure 2%
Np2 = [2]
TLp2 = [1 71 2 ; 2 72 2]
XMp2 = [0]
p2 = automaton(Np2,TLp2,XMp2)
%Event of p1 as the function of V1 and PV1%
for i = 1 : size(states,1)
if(states(i,1)==2 && states(i,3)==2)
p1_V1PV1.TL=[p1_V1PV1.TL; i 62 i]
p1_V1PV1.TL=[p1_V1PV1.TL; i 61 i]
Int1 = p1_V1PV1.TL;
%Event of p2 as function of p1 and PV2%
for i = 1 : size(states,2)
if(states(i,1)==2 && states(i,2)==2)
p2_p1PV2.TL=[p2_p1PV2.TL; i 71 i]
p2_p1PV2.TL=[p2_p1PV2.TL; i 72 i]
Int2 = p2_p1PV2.TL;
%Event of A as function of V2,V3 and p2%
for i = 1 : size(states,3)
if(states(i,1)==2 && states(i,2)==2)
A_V2V3p2.TL=[A_V2V3p2.TL; i 41 i]
A_V2V3p2.TL=[A_V2V3p2.TL; i 42 i]
Int3 = A_V2V3p2.TL;
%Complete Model%
Prop = sync(V1,V2,V3,PV1,PV2,A,p1,p2,Int1,Int2,Int3)
Can Anyone Help Me In Solving Error For This Code, I am getting output till p1_V1PV1 and then getting
error : - Index exceeds matrix dimensions
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-7-24
I cannot seem to find automaton in any MATLAB Toolbox? sync() exists for vrnode but I do not think you are using those.
As outside observers, we do not know what sizes or datatypes those unknown routines return.
nand  patel
nand patel 2020-7-24
Yes you will not get automaton in MATLAB Toolbox because automaton belongs to another additional file which we have to add it (DECK - Discrete Event Control Kit).


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