Paste Data to Editable Table in AppDesigner UI

20 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
I have created the app that I need in AppDesigner. Everything works well. However, in my app, user will enter n number of rows of data to the table provided in the app. Then, I will use this table to calculate the output. However, entering the data to table in AppDesigner is pain. Copy and paste (from Excel, notepad etc.) does not work. User should click to cell, right the number and press enter to skip to next cell.
I don't want to use xlsread since it requires creating an Excel with a given definition. So this is not efficient in my case.
What would you recommend to make this process more efficient?

回答(1 个)

J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee 2020-7-25
when you say you don't want to use xlsread, is it that you don't want to force usage of excel, or you don't want to read files at all?
if you just don't want excel but are ok with reading files, look into readmatrix(), csvread(), or lower level file i/o functions.
  2 个评论
Berk Demir
Berk Demir 2020-7-25
I don't want to use any file. The easiest way for me is to just copy and paste as long as copy is in format of table.
J. Alex Lee
J. Alex Lee 2020-7-25
if this function works for you, maybe it will help (it says requires java, which I thought matlab carries around its own version of, but maybe it depends on environment):
But i wouldn't be surprised if it won't work on a web-deployed app or maybe even stand-alone executable app.



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