How can I use some downloaded function?

48 次查看(过去 30 天)
I downloaded some functions files with a script file from Mathworks website. Every time I run this script, it tells me that these function are not recognized. How can I make MATLAB call them as the built-in functions?


BN 2020-7-27
编辑:BN 2020-7-27
In order to use downloaded function you can click on the Set Path in the home menu:
And then click on the add folder and choose the folder that contains your desire function; then click save.
Alternatively, you can use this:
addpath D:\whatever_your_function_is
% then
  3 个评论
BN 2020-7-27
For example, you want to add five functions at the same time, so you need to download them and put ".m" file of them in the same folder (like D:\Newolder ) then add this folder using the set path. Alternatively you can add all 5 functions manually one by one (no matter where they are.


更多回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020-7-27
Where on the MathWorks website did you download the files? If you downloaded them from the File Exchange, I recommend using the Add-On Explorer to simplify the process of making those files available to MATLAB.


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