Generating multiple CSV files for data of each day in a time-series netCDF file

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I have a netCDF file that is of size 330*470*47, 47 being the time size. I would like to create 47 separate CSV files of each 330*470 size, based on the data stored under each of the time stamp. I tried extracting by data(time=1) and saving it. It didn't work. How can it be solved? Thanking you in advance!
  3 个评论
Hitesh Bugata
Hitesh Bugata 2020-7-29
'It didn't work' mean 'data of variable I want to extract for a given time frame didn't happen'. If you can see the attached image, it has several variables. Focus on that fact that time variable size is 47. I want to create 47 CSV files with lat, lon, ET500 variable values for each time stamp. Rest variables' data can be discarded. i used ncread to read the variable data of required variables and tried to extract for all 47 times by putting ET_new=ET500(time=='....') in a loop from the beginning and end of time data. Am I missing something now?


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