q- d- currents of PMSM drive in Delta configuration
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I measure the line-currents of a Delta-wired 3 phase PMSM (SimScape).
Then, I apply the Park transform to transform abc to dq0.
Now, the output of the Park transform is different from the d- and q- currents that I see in the SimScape result explorer.
When I switch to Wye-configuration. The values are as expected, but the torque is higher than what I would expect from torque = K_t * i_q.
Notice how the idq0Scope (after Park transform) gives different values. (d/q; 10/0 vs 5/-2.887A)
Can anyone explain this difference?
Current controller:
0 个评论
Mohsen Aleenejad
Hi Tom,
Could you please tell me if these numbers are the exact values you observe? If not could you please provide the exact values?
Thank you
5 个评论
Mohsen Aleenejad
I'm happy that could help. Regarding the torque, if I recall correctly, there is a 2/3 constant in the equation, probabley the difference is coming from there and you need to consider it somewhere.
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