How can one install some font for Matlab on Ubuntu?

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
How can one know some fonts are available for Matlab on Ubuntu?
How can one install some fonts on Ubuntu using and how can one make the font recognized by Matlab?

回答(1 个)

Sourabh Kondapaka
Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-8-12
编辑:Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-8-13
You will need to copy the font’s file ( “Bitwise.ttf” is the font file used in this link) to two directories.
If the locations do not already exist please go ahead and create them.
Here , replace “<username>” with your ubuntu username
1. / home / <username> / .local / share / fonts /
2. / home / <username> / .fonts /
After copying the font file (“Bitwise.ttf”) to the above to locations, open Matlab.
Under the “HOME” tab, in the “ENVIRONMENT” subsection , click on “Preferences” which has a gear (“⚙”) icon.
Now under “MATLAB” drop down click on “Fonts” .
Under the section “Desktop Code Font” you can click on the Drop-down menu and select “Bitwise”.
Then under the “Desktop Text Font” deselect the checkbox “Use System Font” and click on the drop down menu and select “Bitwise”.
You can also adjust the font size in the text box to the right.
  3 个评论
Sourabh Kondapaka
Sourabh Kondapaka 2020-8-18
Could you please restart your system after placing the font file in the 2 directories mentioned above and then checking if the font is visible in MATLAB.
I had just cross checked with the "BookAntiqua.tff" font and was successfully able to change the font.



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