writetable adds unnecessary columns to Excel file
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I'm trying to save my table to an Excel spreadsheet.
test_limits = {'1', '2', '3'};
test_sens = {'0.54(0.02)', '0.89(0.01)', '0.34(0.01)'};
test_auc = {'0.78(0.04)', '0.91(0.02)', '0.64(0.02)'};
test_table = table(test_limits', test_sens', test_auc', 'VariableNames', {'Threshold', 'Sensitivity', 'AUC'});
writetable(test_table, 'test_table.xlsx')
However, when I open the file, the table is saved properly in the first 3 columns, but there are 6 more columns called "Sensitivity_1", "Sensitivity_2", "Sensitivity_3", "AUC_1", "AUC_2", "AUC_3" with the corresponding inputs in row format.
Why are these extra columns being added? I've tried transposing the variable name cell array but that doesn't change the results. I couldn't find any similar answers anywhere here.
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Image Analyst
I see no such extra columns. Are you sure they're not still existing from a prior run where you forgot to transpose the variables while creating the table? It will just blast over cells, and any in there from a prior run will still be there. You might want to delete the workbook before you call writetable
fileName = 'test_table.xlsx';
if isfile(fileName)
writetable(test_table, fileName);
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