nitfread not working Matlab2020a Windows 10

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is anybody else having trouble with the nitf functions in Matlab 2020a? Nothing seems to be working correctly, even with standard data sets for testing.
  6 个评论
Kojiro Saito
Kojiro Saito 2020-8-19
What your testing.m looks like? We need how you call nitfread function in your cusom codes.
Shane Sullivan
Shane Sullivan 2020-8-20
It is literally an empty script that just has
ntftest = nitfread('FileName.ntf'); %Where filename is the correct file name, just removed long filename from here



Shane Sullivan
Shane Sullivan 2020-8-20
I solved the issue. I edited the Mathworks .m file @ 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020a\toolbox\images\iptformats\nitfinfo.m
And replaced line 255 with (cast to unit64), hopefully Mathworks can fix this in the next update for everyone.
%out = out + sscanf(in(ndigits - i + 1), '%d') * uint64(10)^(i - 1);
out = out + uint64(sscanf(in(ndigits - i + 1), '%d')) * uint64(10)^(i - 1);

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