Deleting within .mat file
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This is a screenshot of my MAT-file. How do you permantly delete certain structures? For example, if I want 'B' deleted.
I used to be able to right click on the one I wanted to delete, and it gave me options to delete, duplicate, move, etc, but one day it stopped letting me do that. Does anyone know why it no longer lets me delete right in that window? Is there something I need to enable?
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Matt J
编辑:Matt J
I don't remember that ever being possible through the Matlab GUI, but attached is a MEX file that can do it.
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Matt J
Well, you need to show the full script in order for us say what's really going on. It sounds unrelated, though, to the issue in your post.
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Walter Roberson
A work-around that is sometimes good enough is to create the variable locally with empty contents, and save with the -append flag. The old variable in the file will be marked as unused and the new empty variable will be saved in the file.
This does not completely remove the variable from the file: the variable name would still be there, just associated with empty content. But the previous content would no longer be associated with the name.
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