plotting a graph with different size markers

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
I would like to plot a graph with the data points as circles according to their sizes in diameter. The y-axis is the vertical distance and the x-axis is the horizontal distance. Furthermore, is it possible to colour the points from 1.53x10^-4 to 2.23x10^-4 in red and the rest in blue?


KSSV 2020-8-20
Read about scatter.
  5 个评论
KSSV 2020-8-20
Read about indexing.
data = xlsread("Data.xlsx") ;
x = data(:,1) ;
y = data(:,2) ;
z = data(:,3) ;
sz = linspace(1,300,length(z));
scatter(y(1:74),z(1:74),sz(1:74),'filled','MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 1],...
hold on
scatter(y(75:end),z(75:end),sz(75:end),'filled','MarkerEdgeColor',[0 0 1],...
asd ad
asd ad 2020-8-20
Thanks a lot for your help and recommendations. I've learnt a lot from you


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