How do you normalize the local extremum?

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R=[3 14 34 63 94 123 145 162 176 185 193 197 198 193 187 180 169 155
138 120 100 78 55 34 14 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0 0 2 23
55 92 123 148 170 185 198 204 200 186 158 121 81 42 14 0 0 0
0 1 6 14 20 26 38 61 91 123 147 164 172 171 165 143 101 54
18 3 0 3 11 20 32 45 61 80 101 122 143 159 167 166 152 131
105 80 58 40 27 19 13 14 19 32 56 86 117 140 150 147 126 92
55 25 7 2] %data
I want to know how to get the peak-to-peak values to be the same.
  2 个评论
xiaoxiaoliu xiaoxiaoliu
How to normalize curves with multiple peaks such that each peak will be 1 and each valley will be -1 ?
xiaoxiaoliu xiaoxiaoliu
%%%% y is original data
%%%% max(i) is local maximum;min(i) is local minimum
This is a formula I found. This is a challenge for me and I haven't overcome it yet.


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