Close a message box in a while loop

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a while loop that contains a message box if the user doesn't define the input correctly. I would like to close the message box before the loop resets.
For example:
cityNames = {'London', 'Paris', 'Rome', 'Dubai'};
yes = false;
while yes == false
%% Define City Name
cityInput = inputdlg({'Enter City Name'});
city = cityInput{1};
if any(strcmp(city, cityNames))
yes = true;
msgbox('The City you entered is not in the list. Please enter a city in the list');
The code works perfectly if one of the cities in the cityNames cell is entered correctly. However, if a different city is entered, or one of the names is entered incorrectly, the msgbox displays as it should, however, before the user can press "ok", the prompt to "Enter City Name" appears before they have a chance to close the message box.
I'd like to be able to close the message box before the city input dialog box appears again.
Thanks in advance!


Mehmed Saad
Mehmed Saad 2020-8-27


f = msgbox('The City you entered is not in the list. Please enter a city in the list');
disp('msg box test')


Use questdlg for that purpose
questdlg('The City you entered is not in the list. Please enter a city in the list', ...
disp('quest dlg test')

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