Joining a table using a column of list
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Hi all, I have two tables as shown:
Table A (size mxn):
VarA VarB .....
------ -------
3 [1, 5, 7]
167 [2, 6, 9, 11]
Table B (size axb):
VarC VarD .....
------ -------
1 "X"
2 "B"
5 "E"
6 "F"
7 "G"
9 "I"
11 "R"
I would like to make use of Table B to join a new column to Table A like below:
New Table A:
VarA VarB VarE .....
------ ------- -------
3 [1, 5, 7] ["X", "E", "G"]
167 [2, 6, 9, 11] ["B", "F", "I", "R"]
Any help is much appreciated.
3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Does order matter? Alternately, will VarB always be in increasing order? Will VarC always be in increasing order?
Mohammad Sami
编辑:Mohammad Sami
Try this
if true
tabA.VarE = cellfun(@(X)tabB.VarD(ismember(tabB.VarC,X)),tabA.VarB,'UniformOutput',false);
6 个评论
Mohammad Sami
编辑:Mohammad Sami
You will need to convert the categorical array to cellstr, then convert it double.
tabA.VarB = cellstr(tabA.VarB);
tabA.VarB = regexprep(tabA.VarB,'[\[\]]','');
tabA.VarB = cellfun(@(x)str2double(strsplit(x,',')),tabA.VarB,'UniformOutput',false);
tabA.VarE = cellfun(@(X)tabB.VarD(ismember(tabB.VarC,X)),tabA.VarB,'UniformOutput',false);
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