Downloading Matlab for Python

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Kyuyeon Kim
Kyuyeon Kim 2020-8-29
I downloaded python 3.8 via anaconda3. And i downloaded Matlab R2020a. Then, i am trying to use Matlab in jupyter notebook. but, i cannot find the engine from R2020a file.

回答(1 个)

Vimal Rathod
Vimal Rathod 2020-8-31
编辑:Vimal Rathod 2020-8-31
It seems like anaconda may not work as MATLAB Engine API for Python supports CPython and I would recommend you to check if you have proper system requirements for the matlab engine to install.
You can refer to the following link to know more about how to use MATLAB with python


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