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GUI - Showing or hiding a panel

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Blondeel 2013-1-18
I try, without success, to hide a (large) panel including another (small) panel. It works only if the panel is not including another panel.
I use
The 'Enable' property is not recognized in the case of the large panel.
If somedy has already been able to hide the panel in this configuration.
Thank you
  5 个评论
Blondeel 2013-1-18
编辑:Blondeel 2013-1-18
Thank you. 'of' is not working ; and regarding the property 'Visible', I do not want the handle to be unvisible. As Daniel requested, I try to add an image, but I do not succeed... The gif image is ready on my desktop, could you please help me to add it ?
Daniel Shub
Daniel Shub 2013-1-18
We need simplified code that we can run which can reproduce the problem if you want us to have a fighting chance of helping you. An image does not help. We also need a textual description of what you get with the code and what you expect to see. Please edit the question to include this.

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