How to get 3 variables in the title

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to get the title to say 'Rocket(value), Chute1(value), Chute2(value)', where the values correspond to each one. Rocket, Chute1, and Chute2 are all inputs in my function.
This is what i've tried, but it wont work. I've seen Dougs tutorial on this, though this does not help me.
title('Rocket('(rocket) '),' 'Chute1('chute1 '),' 'Chute2('chute2 '))
Help please,


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-1-20
Use sprintf() to create a caption:
caption = sprintf('Rocket(%.3f), Chute1(%.3f), Chute2(%.3f)',...
Rocket, Chute1, Chute2);
title(caption, 'FontSize', 16);
You can use %d instead of %.3f if the values are integers rather than floating point. You can put a \n anywhere that you want to go to a new line.

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