External application video link to Matlab

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a external Borland C builder application (and source code) that I want to link to Matlab. This borland application read a video data of custom hardware and I need to send it to my boss Matlab application.
Also I need also a link back from Matlab to my application to control the hardware.
What is the easiest why to achieve this?
Thanks Hurter

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-1-23
Is the program written to use ActiveX ?
What kind of link were you thinking of? What does the application do with the data once it reads it?
If the code interface can be rewritten into the form of a DLL, then you can use loadlib() and call the routines.
Possibly, though, it might make more sense to recode as a device driver for data acquisition purposes.
  7 个评论
Hurter 2013-1-24
编辑:Hurter 2013-1-24
I have open a new question on to deal with structures since its is a bit different than the Question in this tread. Any ideas that I do wrong?
Still no solution on any of them.
There was a stage (about a month back) that I try to use a mex compile route but did not succeed on that( yet). The plan was to make a DLL using mex-compile and then import that DLL into BorlandC builder. I battle to import that DLL or rather that I get linking issues. Unless I mist a step in that process.
Hurter 2013-1-25
Al right I gave up on this method.
Will try to use a network. I think it will be slower because the data will be ship serial, but at lest I can get bidirectional communication and Matlab can pass commands down to the hardware.
Unless someone can give me alternative, this will be the route to go for now.
Thanks Walter for your input. I think that is not only the correct way to do this but most probably the fastest as well. To bad I could not get this going...


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