Use of Imagesc to show more than one image on a single figure

30 次查看(过去 30 天)
please how can I use imagesc to display more than one image on a single figure using distinctive colors or what's the alternative to capture more than on image on a single figure.


Oluwaseyi Aliu
Oluwaseyi Aliu 2020-9-22
Thanks so much for your prompt response. The images were only divided into segments in the same figure; that is not what I want sir.
The attached showed exactly what I need; for example, red shows fluid 1, blue show fluid 2 and green show solid background.
Kindly check my attachment. Thanks in anticipation!
  5 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-9-22
You would need to imshow(rgbImage)
Note: watch out that your data range matches the datatype being used. If your arrays are double() then your data ranges should all be 0 to 1, but if your arrays are uint8() then your data ranges should be 0 to 255.


更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-9-22
编辑:Image Analyst 2020-9-22
Try stitching them together if they're the same number of rows and color channels:
wideImage = [rgbImage1, rgbImage2];
Use ind2rgb() if you have gray scale images that you want to pseudocolor:
rgbImage1 = ind2rgb(grayImage1, jet(256)); % Convert grayImage1 to color using the jet colormap.
rgbImage2 = ind2rgb(grayImage2, hsv(256)); % Convert grayImage2 to color using the hsv colormap.
wideImage = [rgbImage1, rgbImage2];
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-9-22
rgbImage = cat(3, mat2gray(fluid1Image), mat2gray(solidBackground), mat2gray(fluid2Image));
This will scale all input images to the range 0-1 and put each into one of the color channels. It should be able to show up then.



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