Can symsum Create a Matrix of Functions Using a Vector of Summation Limits?

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Right now I've been using a for loop to write out functions because I can't figure out how to write them all using the same symsum command:
zi = 2.5;
syms k q
f(q) = factorial(q)*zi.^(n+1)
B(k) = symsum(f(q)*(k*zi).^(n-q-0.5).*besselj(n-q+0.5,k*zi),q,0,n)
I want a vector of B(k) functions, one for each value of n, with the summation limit determined by n. I have a bunch of these functions to write, so doing them in a for 1:n loop is extremely slow. Any help will be greatly appreciated!

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-1-25
编辑:Walter Roberson 2013-1-25
symsum() just might be vectorized over its first argument, what to sum, but I would be fairly sure it is not vectorized over a list of upper bounds.
I ran the expression through a number of potential transformations, and found no useful transforms for this situation.
Interestingly, up to n=9, the results look like they are building up a useful pattern, but from n=10 onward, the analytic results come out in terms of besselj() calls that are not easily expressed as simple constants; and as n increases, more and more besselj() terms get added in to the mess.
I think you are going to end up looping just the way you do now.
When I tried transforms on the result for specific n, I had some success in Maple, first with convert/elementary and then much better, with convert/Elliptic_related . The elliptic analysis produced the same structure of result for each n, with different coefficients. Potentially with sufficient analysis the expression for the coefficients could be derived.
Up to n=18, the results were:


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