Computing number of flops

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Pascale Bou Chahine
Let A in R^{nxn}.
(a) Compute the number of flops needed to compute A^k using matrix-matrix multiplications.
(b) Assuming that A = VDV ^{-1} where V^{-1} is given and D is a diagonal matrix, propose a different procedure to compute A^k that requires less flops. Compute the number of flops.
a) So we have k square matrices. Computing element aij of A^k requires taking the dot product of row i in the first matrix A and column j in the subsequent matrix A. Computing the dot product requires n multiplications and n1 additions. Since there are n^2 elements, the dot product must be computed n^2 times.
Thus the total number of operations is n^2(n+(n1))=2n^3n^2=O(n3). But since we are doing the procedur k-times, then the number of flops = k(2n^3 - n^2). Is it correct?
b) what about it? What is the answer?

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